
An Introduction to the Traditional Culture of the Florina Region. 1993


The subject of this exhibition was the traditional culture of the Florina region, many features of which have survived down to our own days.

The artefacts, photographs and explanatory texts, organized in thematic units, were intended to offer the visitor an introduction to the everyday life of the region as it evolved from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century.

The exhibition was staged in the basement display area of the Museum and was designed to allow the visitor to experience a series of thematic units:

1. Geographical and historical dimension - Biotopes
2. Diet, Agriculture, Livestock Breeding and Fishing 
3. Architecture
4. Weaving and clothes 
5. Vocations and trade 
6. Transport
7. Customs and traditions 
8. Social organization

The people of the Florina region made a valuable contribution to the exhibition, providing information and items for display.

A bilingual guide (in Greek and English) was published to accompany the exhibition, which is for sale in the Museumshop.


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